The Logic Stacker is made of sustainable wood with child friendly pastel paints. It comprises of six round plates with holes made in them to match the coloured tips of the wooden stems (each having different height) fixed to the base. The order from bottom to top is – red, yellow, orange, blue, green and purple.
Why Stack Me Up - Logic Stacker for your child?
It is a perfect tool to amplify the hand and eye coordination and also works on the child’s focus. When left undisturbed, you will notice that the child will delve into problem solving and try to understand the pattern of stacking through many combinations. It's challenging but appropriate for this age to get engrossed. The children also learn the relationship of cause and effect as they decode that each plate rests on the base as they are able to match the holes to the wooden stems on the base. The stack me up Logic Stacker sets an attainable goal for the growing tod which boosts the confidence and develops her/his will to complete it. Therefore disguised in the toy which appears to work only on fine motor or cognitive skills, is a valuable lesson of determination. A child with a strong willpower is determined to resolve all the upcoming difficulties with patience and focus.
Each time the child tries to place the plate on the base, he/she has to turn it to decipher the correct placement. While doing this, the wrist comes into operation. The wooden stems have been positioned such that the plate with maximum holes goes first and then the others in decreasing order. There is also a size gradation and colour variety for the child to observe and understand the pattern. It’s a good idea to introduce counting while the child is putting the plates on the base.